Join David Bloch as he hosts TOGETHER AGAIN : AFRICAN FOOTPRINT in celebration of the show’s 20th Anniversary, this Saturday 23rd May on &SCENE in its brand new prime-time slot of 19h00.
TOGETHER AGAIN : AFRICAN FOOTPRINT will bring together members of the creative team that brought this “explosive stampede of song and dance” to life as well as key international creatives that played a pivotal role in getting the show seen by a global audience. Cast members will join them in studio to share stories, songs and fascinating insights into a show that’s been lauded internationally as “South Africa’s Riverdance”.
Reunited in studio will be Richard Loring, Debra Batzofin, David Matamela and Debbie Rakusin, with Kevin Bishop and John Craig joining from England.
Cast members will include Alfed Phakathi, Thabo Komape, Tanya Futter, Ricky Stoute and Christopher Jaftha.
Link to the TOGETHER AGAIN : AFRICAN FOOTPRINT promotional video HERE
Celebrating 20 years, Richard Loring’s smash hit musical African Footprint now features a new generation cast which proudly reflects the Afro and Eurocentric fusion phenomenon.
Seen most recently in December 2019 at Dubai’s Global Village, local and international audiences of 4 000 – 6 000 people nightly and an estimated 130,000 people on New Year’s Eve, audiences were taken on a joyous celebration of life that expresses the pride, passion and dreams of the people of South Africa, from ancient to modern times.
Inspired in 1998 by Australia’s Tap Dogs, Richard’s dream of creating a show to reflect South Africa’s vibrant diversity was realised when drawing on talent “from the streets of Soweto”, after 16 months of show development featuring the dynamic choreography of Debbie Rakusin and David Matamela, lyrical pulsating music of Dave Polecutt and Ron Brettall and the inspiring words of acclaimed poet Don Mattera, excerpts of the show were presented on Millennium night on Robben Island before Nelson Mandela, Thabo Mbeki, a VIP audience and televised worldwide to two billion people.
Performing the uniquely African kwela-jive, gumboot, tap, contemporary, ballet, hip-hop and pantsula, the highly energised cast has had audiences leaping to their feet in sustained applause at over 4000 performances around the world from USA, China, India, Australia, Canada, Africa and Europe.
African Footprint bringing together audiences from royalty to the man in the street – taking them on an emotive journey of pride, love, conflict and reconciliation, opened at the new Globe Theatre, Gold Reef City Casino, on 11 May 2000 notching up awards: Naledi Award’s “Best Choreography” and “Best Lighting” and the Vita Award’s “Best Musical”, “Best Ensemble” and “Best Lighting”.
Critics were unanimous in their praise and word of mouth drew crowds of all ages and cultures as well as attention of TV producers including CNN, Reuters and the BBC’s Royal Variety, resulting in footage being screened to millions of television viewers and creating years of ‘sold-out’ performances around the world.
As with the previous weeks, TOGETHER AGAIN : AFRICAN FOOTPRINT is available for free streaming. Viewers are encouraged, if they’re in the position to, to make a donation to The Theatre Benevolent Fund via the Snapscan Code provided during the show.
The public can continue to donate at their convenience throughout the week, online at HERE
So grab your family and get ready for a night full of nostalgia and enjoyment as we get to know more about this South African show phenomenon that’s taken the world by storm during the last 2 decades.
TOGETHER AGAIN : AFRICAN FOOTPRINT will be staged on &SCENE’s FaceBook Live and YouTube Channels on Saturday 23rd May in its new time slot of 19h00 CAT.
For direct viewing links, click onto
* All guests appear on the show Subject to Availability.
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The Theatre Benevolent Fund was established in 1962 and raises money for all those who have worked professionally in the entertainment industry and for whom the spotlight has faded, no matter how it has faded. It receives no government grants and is run by volunteers from within the industry. The reunion is the first of many shows on the &SCENE network in aid of the Theatre Benevolent Fund.
For more information Click HERE