Kinders Vannie Suburbs: Onperfek Nes Ek (Die Begin)
The EP deals “Onperfek Nes Ek (Die Begin)” with real life experiences Corne went through in the past 2 years(2018-2019). “Writing this EP was a method of therapy for me to help heal the emotional wounds quicker.” Says Corne .The EP contains 5 songs and will later form part of a full length album in 2020/2021. The EP deals with topics,such as toxic relationships, toxic friendships caused by underaged drinking and selflove. The album contains explicit and honest use of lyrics to help define emotion in the songs. “The first song, Onperfek Nes Ek, is a song that contains the topic of self love by acknowledging the mistakes I have made and how as human I am imperfect to help gain back self love for myself.” Explains Corne The song uses references from stories of friends, as well as my own. The story is built conceptually of a character getting out and in a toxic relationship as if it was an addiction to be loved that way. The story uses verses that have happened to me. I have had to delete people’s numbers and add them again. I have had deleted many photos of people who are no longer in my life. Continues Corne
The second song, Dis Scary Shit, is an explicit song about something that happened when Corne was 17 almost 18. “In one of my friend groups underaged drinking became a thing. It was something I didn’t want to do and never did. As at parties I started acknowledging a friendship being lost as I always was the sober one. They started not inviting me anymore.” Explains Corne The song reflects how scary it can be in today’s world where we can be so easily replaced when not blowing someone else’s horn and how loyalty isn’t a thing anymore. “The song shows fear and loneliness using a high pitched weepy voice with quick lyrics and aggressive guitars. The drums were recorded with one room mic to make a weak and angsty drum sound to help resonate the angst I felt in this time period.” Says Corne The third song, Korttermyn Liefde, is the idea of a fling except where one wants more than just a fling. The song is conceptual but uses stories of my own to help create a feeling of despair and desperation. The man in the story becomes addicted to this short term love and keeps making desperate attempts to be with this girl. He struggles to let go and allow himself to heal and move on. “Using lyrics like,”ek bly konstant met jou skaduwee dans en ek sukkel om te laat gaan.” shows the fear I have also felt after having to move on from relationships ended and finding something better.” Says Corne, The love in this story is a toxic one and reflects toxic relationships. The fourth song, Hierdie Gevoel, is your typical post break up song. The feeling of loneliness and sadness is a lot to take in as a person.The song was written after using the line, “hierdie gevoel is tydelik. In a conversation with a friend going through a break up. The fifth song, Thanks for the memories, is a song that was released as a single on 1 November 2019. “The track is about a relationship I was in, in 2019(the relationship was never official). I fell pretty hard and pretty fast in love with this girl. Instead of spewing hate for how misleading those 9 months I spent getting her to like me, I wrote a thank you song because if it wasn’t for her I wouldn’t have known what not to accept and to accept in my life. She showed me how to live out of my comfort zone and do something, that an introvert like myself, would never do and that is going full throttle for something even though it could end in failure. The song consists of 2 verses and a bridge.” Says Corne
“In verse one I address the fact how I don’t want to be around this person anymore and how it would be better if we went our own ways, even if it sounds selfish.
In verse 2 I address how blinded I was by “love” and how I became something that I wasn’t. I also acknowledge the fact that I didn’t love this person and how utterly I wasted my time.
In the bridge I act as if I was talking to *Jolene* and telling her how I unmasked my true self to her and gave her the best. After realizing it would be useless to go on to prove a point, that it would be better to just say thanks for every bad thing shown to me.” Explains Corne
Please take note that Jolene is a writer’s name for this person.
This EP was Produced, mixed and mastered by Corne . The drums on track 2 were played by Johann Rossouw a local drum tutor working for the Jamrock Music Academy in Brackenfell and Bass was done by Jonah Josias also a local from Brackenfell.
The EP reached 2000 streams in total on 1 June 2020
Corné Produced, Recorded, Mixed and Mastered the EP.
Corné is currently studying BCOM Digital Marketing at Prestige Academy.
The acoustic songs were all recorded live.
The EP is tilted Onperfek Nes Ek (Die Begin)
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