Dear Readers,

If you’re like me, you enjoy moments in your life when you add something new into your regular, daily tasks.
Like a new goal.
A new hobby, or an exciting new passion.
To be honest, I thrive on this.
It excites me and reminds me of what life is all about; trying new things.
Yet adding a new habit or routine into your life may also take a lot of energy too.
In some instances as much as it can be exciting, it can be a little scary paddling into unknown waters.
To be successful in reaching your new passion or goal, you’ll have to incorporate extra self-care into your day.
Unfortunately, pushing ourselves to the brink of breakdown, skipping out on sleep, and chugging espresso all day has been romanticised as steps toward “having it all.”
When we push our bodies and minds too far – even if we do reach our goal – we’re too depleted to celebrate it!
As you’re working toward your new way of being or new goals, take time to check in with yourself and watch for signs that you’re not pushing yourself too hard.
Signs that you are pushing yourself too hard
  • You feel irritated frequently.
  • You forget everything you’ve accomplished and can only seem to focus on what you still have to do.
  • You put your self-care on hold. For example;
  • Skipping out on your favorite yoga class
  • Making daily visits to the drive-through for dinner, or
  • Not getting enough sleep
Pushing yourself too hard doesn’t have to be your only choice – the second option is to choose to pause.
Take a moment and incorporate a short guided meditation into your life either in the morning right upon awakening or before sleep.
I’ve included my back-to-basics meditation on YouTube for you to add support to your daily pause.
You can choose to find ways to remain happy under sustainable conditions rather than putting pressure on yourself to be perfect.
Take time to practice self-love.
Much love to you today,

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