Black Rose Sweden-Game of Souls
Reviewed by Duzzy Clayton
In my line of work, I receive a lot of music, but every now and again I get sent a real Gem of an album from a really awesome band. The band in question is a band called Black Rose and they are all the way from the heart of Sweden
The band have just released their awesome rocking thrash metal album called Game of Souls This album is a classic display of thrash metal mixed with, in my opinion, good old classic rock.
Everything about this album is great, from the heavy driven guitars and bass and the drums which accompany the already great guitar sound.
The first song called, The Fall, is a great way to start the album and is easily one of my favourite tracks on the album, until I keep listening and then my opinion on which my favourite track changes with every song that plays.
Other great tracks on the album are, We Fight, Game of Souls (titled Track), Queen of the night, Find my way in time, and we stand together. Those are just a few songs I have picked, but do listen to the whole 10 track album because it is really a great album.
When I listen to this album, I kind of get the feeling of wanting to stand up and fight what I believe in and, in this case, it is heavy metal. I can definitely see myself listening to this album before a night out to watch bands or driving in my car on a highway and I need something to rock out to. If I was to compare this band and album to other bands, I could definitely hear some Metallica, Anthrax and even Ozzy Osbourne or DIO.
If you are a fan of heavy metal and hard rock with some great clean but high-reaching vocals, then this band and album is for you.
Congrats to Black Rose Sweden on a great album and I look forward to seeing the success this album is going to get because, in my opinion, it deserves it.
To Read The Interview With Black Rose Click HERE
To Listen To Black Rose Interview On The Anything Goes Podcast Click HERE