Choose positive change

RADA aims to empower individuals to make informed life decisions and assist struggling communities by encouraging them to break the cycle of addiction. The impact of addition, whether it be direct or indirect, is extensive and affects every layer of society.

During October, the RADA Inspire campaign creates awareness around the issue of drug and alcohol addiction and the damaging effect it has on countless lives.

Daily circumstances may feel intense and challenging with feelings of being trapped in a spiral due to difficulties at home, work or school. The circumstance may lead to a need to escape, possibly making the wrong choices fuelled by peer pressure, only to further complicate your life and impact the lives of others.

It takes an immense amount of courage to decide to change. Letting go of what makes you feel low is the start and making one positive choice each day is the progress.

The road to recovery may seem daunting and the choice not to change a lot easier. Be reminded that you are not alone and that the decision to change brings with it support, encouragement and love from those around you.

Whenever you find yourself at that crossroad, confronted with a life changing decision, choose to take the road of positive progression and healing.

Be the Way …Be the Change …One Day at a Time.

How can you help?

Become a RADA angel

Sponsor a project

Donations – monetary and/or food and resources

For more information, visit, or email

Call or WhatsApp: +27 (0)83 564 6644

@RADAhealing #RADAinspire

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