Ross Harding EP Review: Chapter ll and Music Video Black Sun Blues,

Review by: Duzzy Clayton

I have been waiting for such a long time for this moment to come and now the time is finally here, a while back you will remember Fanbase Music Magazine writer, Matthew Nijland reviewed Ross Harding’s single called, Fire Away.  The time has come for Ross’ new EP namely Chapter ll to be released and I get to do a cool review on it, not only do I get to review the EP but I also get to review and tell you all about the new music video for a track called Black Sun Blues but more about the music video later on this review.

Chapter ll is the name of this awesome 5 track EP, and if you wondering where the name of the EP comes from, Ross actually explains it in my interview with him on my podcast which can be heard HERE

When I first heard Ross Harding’ music, the first thing that came to mind is have we just found the answer to South Africa’s very own Chris Cornell, because there is a lot of similarities between Ross voice and that of Chris Cornell, and that can be heard throughout.   Having said that, even though Chris Cornell and Soundgarden influences is evident in the EP, Ross defiantly brings his own flavour and uniqueness to his music, which really shines through his great song writing. To me, a great song writer can write catchy lyrics but also touch on personal subjects and Ross seems to tick all the boxes.   I think any listener who listens to this EP will soon find themselves singing along to the catchy lyrics and vocals.

The vocals and song writing is not the only great thing about these songs, but the whole EP is filled with great guitar riffs and solos, hard hitting drums and bass lines, This EP literally has everything you need to make up a great Rock EP and I for one can’t wait for Ross to take this on tour because I think these songs are going to do well live and is going to have any crowd signing and jumping along to each song.

I don’t want to say rock is dead in this day because there are great bands out there if you look hard enough but I will also be the first one to say rock has been lacking and missing lately, so for Ross Harding to come out with a EP with so much rock and grunge elements in the sound, really breathes a life of fresh air for the future of good old Rock N Roll music which makes me so happy. Chapter ll really has the potential to be one of the best EP’s South Africa has produced and I see it doing well on both the charts and also at the SAMAS if it was to be submitted for a rock award

Although the whole 5 track EP is awesome, tracks that stand out for me are, Black Sun Blues, Love and Time and Fire Away, Although I do urge you to listen to the whole EP from start to finish because you will defiantly enjoy every song the EP has to offer.

Chapter ll is an EP that should be in every rock fan’s collection and I could see myself listening to this EP alone in my room while I am catching up on work or if I want to impress my friends with some great rock music then I will put out this gem of an EP during a braai or get together.

Without trying to sound like I am plugging my own radio show while doing this review but I would like to ask everyone to tune into The Lunch Show with Duzzy Clayton Rocksteady94 on the                10 November as I will be adding 3 songs off this EP on my show for The Grunge Triangle, so look out for that.

I would like to congratulate Ross on a great masterpiece of an album, the future looks bright and I can only imagine what next is to come from this awesome musician.


Ross Harding – Music Video Black Sun Blues

So now that I have told you how great the EP is and everyone should go out and get the EP from their favourite online steaming store, it is now time for me to tell you about the great music video for the first track off the EP called Black Sun Blues.

Upon first listen to the track and first watch of the music video I was taken back by the crunching guitar riffs and thought to myself this is a pretty cool song to start the EP off, so already that was a great start for the EP but to also choose this song to do a music video for was an equally great choice as it is such a catchy song with great lyrics with lyrics saying, I am the black, I am the white, I am the death, I am the life. It is just great lyrics to be able to sing along too. It’s a song about paradox – light and dark, good and evil, order and chaos, constantly at war with each other to find balance.

The video itself looks like Ross and his band mates in the studio and having a cool jam session while recording this track. Shot in black and white throughout the song just kind of goes with the dark lyrics, theme and feel for the song. The video itself could be just written and summed up of me saying that it is shot in a studio and each band member is playing their instrument and it is just a great video of filming a recording session of a great song, but to me it is more than that because if you look deeper in the video and if your eye catches certain things you will see it is so much more than that. The video is filled with great camera work and angles which just makes the music video that much better. There is a part where the first lead solo comes in that it looks like you are watching the actual real-time footage of the band and the jam session but then the shot cuts to a screen and what you actually watching seems to be what is playing on the screen which I thought was a very clever camera shot to put in the video. The video is filled with small little details like that which makes me think this video wasn’t just shot with an idea and a limited budget but a lot of thought actually went into it and I would think a lot of money as well.

Ross Harding has the potential to become one of South Africa’s top rock musicians and if he keeps producing music and videos like this, people will definitely be forced to take notice of him because we are witnessing him taking the country and soon the world by storm.

Well done to Ross and everyone who worked on the music video, it truly is a great piece of viewing.

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