We Chat To Jessy Howe About All Things Vikings Of Blues And Recently Released Remastered Tracks
Interviewed by Duzzy Clayton
“Vikings Of Blues” started their journey in November 2019. The duo, man&woman, came together with the order and purpose to serve, give back healing words & loving music to humankind.
In June of 2020 their EP „Magic Waters“ was released and in April of 2021 their debut album „Soul Food“ came out. Over 8 singles launched worldwide on radio airplay to DJ’s that are spreading their songs to over 3800 radio stations and to over 5 Million listeners. From GB to USA, Europe to Canada, South Africa to Australia, Switzerland to Spain, from Latin America, Bulgaria to Malta …
On February 15, 2023 “Vikings Of Blues” present all 16 songs, which are messages of love, remastered and transformed with the help of musician friend, Christian Muzik, into sacred healing geometry frequency, that resonates with our pineal gland our third eye, that vibrates with Mother Earth’s Schumann resonance, which is also the same frequency that dolphins emit and resonate with, this is the 8 of eternal love. Activate love energy, it’s protective, creative, organic, soothing and calming, good vibes, good life … Let’s go 4, 3, 2 … Ready, steady, flow!
Hi Jessy, welcome to Fanbase Music Magazine, can you tell us where you are from and what got you into music?
Hi Duzzy, thank you. I am Swiss and English, was born in Switzerland, spent my early chlldhood in South West England. In a place called Shaftesbury the heart chakra of this earth lucky me:) and grew up back in Switzerland. My grandmother was a professional singer before the Second World War. She was from Scotland. My Mother is classically trained singer. I enjoy singing for people and uniting humankind with healing good words and positive vibes.
You are a great singer, do you play any instruments, and what brands do you like to use?
Thank you Duzzy!! I try my best. I play the piano for my compositions and simple recordings. I sing with a Sure SM 58 Beta microphone and use Sennheiser in-ears with a larger formation group of live musicians. My favourite brand is ForFreeToo.
How would you describe your sound and genre?
I am a singing secretary for humankind to help unite us all. I have a darkish, bluesy, soul voice with some jazzy frills and people say I sound a bit like Tina Turner or and Anastacia. My style is from classy Jazz tunes to Blues, soul, gospel, rock. I love to sing good lyrics with positive messages in a healing frequency.
Who are some of the bands you grew up listening to?
Barclay James Harvest, Queen, INXS, Aretha Franklin, Billie Holiday, Santana, Cream, The Doors many many many
You are part of Vikings of Blues, can you explain what Vikings of Blues is and who else is in the band?
Vikings Of Blues is a man&woman who came together in order and for the purpose to help awaken souls since November 2019. A guitar player from Spain/Argentina and a singer from Switzerland/England. We share Norwegian heritage hence the name Vikings Of Blues. We released two albums, EP „Magic Waters“ came out June of 2020 and the debut album „Soul Food“ was released in April 2021. We have now released all 16 songs in an improved sound quality that has been remastered and retuned to ForFreeToo hz the natural original sacred tuning in music that correlates with dolphins, Mother Earth in Schumann Resonance and with our hearts and even with our third eye, pineal gland. The ForFreeToo frequency combined with the healing words will help heal and guide souls in these challenging times. All lyrics are written one to one without changing words. We wish to bring back the faith and the good news to everyone. We will be playing this summer at some very cool human friendly festivals.
You have just released some music remastered, can you explain that and what was the process like?
We have now released all 16 songs in a better sound quality that has been remastered and retuned to ForFreeToo hz tuning the eternal holy 8 hz resonates with this tuning, it is the natural original sacred tuning in music. Used also by Guiseppe Verdi the famous Italian opera composer. Pavarotti sung in this tuning. It was flipped around in 1953 to 440hz worldwide standardized tuning resulting in a lot of satanistic devil worshipping music going on today. After 16 years of singing cover songs for private events I found in 2019 that I wished to Give Back in music. That is when Spanish guitar player Javier Vargas came into my life and we created over 30 songs 50/50 together (he did not hire me I did not hire him, we got hired by the king as humble blues duo to serve him and humanity). The messages in the songs are about freedom, love, free will, unison, breaking the chains and healing. Now the remastered versions of our songs are activating the third eye and healing the heart combined with the motivating supporting fun words they will help heal and guide souls in these challenging times. It is about decision for each one of us. None of us can dance at two weddings any more at the same time. All lyrics are written down with truthful compassion, focus, respect and loving care. We wish to bring back the faith and the good news to everyone. The frequency has Christ consciousness in it. It resonates with dolphins that emit this frequency as well, with Mother Earth Schumann Resonance and with nature. It is the holy 8 eternal love, eternal life, eternal flow.

You have collaborated with some really cool musicians, can you tell us who you have collaborated with in your career and what you get out of collaborating with other musicians?
I have collaborated with Polo Hofer, who was a very well-known Swiss musician, songwriter and singer. He recorded a duet of Sam E. Cooke with me called, Bring It On Home. I sung this song with him at Mountain Studios in Montreux that used to be the studio of Queen. Or still is. Polo Hofer taught me a lot about connecting with musicians and the audience during and after a live performances. He was the best performer I have ever met. He could tell a wonderful wise joke to an audience in 20 minutes and give back the awe of humor in music. I have sung for many artists as supporting act: Ronan Keating, Seal, Alanis Morissette… I am very grateful to my long time friend and super guitarist, producer and songwriter Christian Muzik, with whom I had a band The Raveners, who is half South African and half Swiss who has helped me co-produce Eternal and Message Of Love that I released in 2022 and these songs are in ForFreeToo healing frequency from scratch so each instrument has been tuned in this frequency when we recorded the song. He also remastered all Vikings Of Blues songs. If you are looking for an expert to record or retune your songs in ForFreeToo then check him out. He is the best. Since 2019 I have released over 10 singles worldwide on radio stations with over 5 Million listeners and over 3800 radio stations that air these messages of love. From GB, USA, Europe to Australia and South Africa. My favourite moment was when I played my first ever written song, I Am Love, with a wonderful cellist called Valentina Velkova at the gathering in Bern on 12 November 2021 where Robert F. Kennedy jr. gave his legendary speech amongst many other people and experts who had been warning about the poison shots and the transhumanistic agenda.
When you write music, can you explain that process, does the music or lyrics come first?
Most times I am given a melody with some key words. Or I have a melody given to me when I am playing piano. Javier Vargas sometimes plays riffs or sends me a layout of one of his songs and I compose the lyrics and melody on top. It comes as it flows:)
You are someone that understands music frequencies and Binaural beats, can you explain how music has helped you in any way or situation?
I am open to different frequencies for healing benefits in music. But I started out by bringing back the music to it’s natural state of ForFreeToo. Many years ago I started to meditate and used healing solfeggios and healing frequencies. I have been listening to this for a few years now. I have found that once you start listening and singing in a healing frequency that feeling of stop-and-go-stop-and-go resides and I became a human again with go-and-flow-go-and-flow-go-and-glow-with-the-eternal-flow. This is our natural state of being as humans. It raises my mood, it soothes my nerves, it gives me peace of mind and love inside, I feel good and I have much more creative ideas and soulutions. My state of well-being is improved and I feel grateful and even understand the sounds of nature and animals much better. Last week I was giving singing lessons in ForFreeToo hz (432 hz) and both cats were hanging around outside my door even the very shy one. One can clean out the bad vibes from the home and temple.

Cybernetic Porkypine is one of my favorite songs of yours at the moment, can you tell us how that song came about please?
Oh Duzzy how wonderful than you so much , Well imagine we are back in March of 2020 , I had just returned from Ibiza just before all was locked down we managed to finish the recordings of the first EP “Magic Waters” on the way back it was already locking down everywhere.
I ran away from my home in Zürich to my parents house out in the countryside and during that time Javier and I started to fly really high with tons of song ideas and lyrics, he would send me one idea and I would finish the lyrics same day or night and send back, I could not sleep and one riff song he had sent me was the layout of Cybernetic Porkypine, I literally was reading in a bible of my grandpa for the first time for ages and afterwards all the words came flooding out this was in April 2020: Don’t stick it in me by blood is me set me free.
I got the info: don’t change a word from the boss up stairs because he heard my thoughs: Uff, I can’t sing stick it sounds too dirty i pefer singing put but he said, keep it obey you will regret it if you change the words.
Back then I knew nothing about sticks up the nose PCR tests and when I uploaded the song online 30.12.2020 I was really glad I listened to our Father:) Ah, but the title and chorus bit the name Cybernetic Porkypine happened as such: Javier Vargas came to Switzerland in August 2020 to work on the songs for the Soul Food album with me. In the same sitting room where I got the calling to start writing the lyrics Javier said to me: sing Cybernetic Porkypine in chorus somehow. As he had had since a was a little boy always in his mind the word Cybernetic but the teachers could not figure out why such a young boy would even speak of such a word. I was not fan of singing Cybernetic Porkypine the words as such yet again as a romantic girl singing about Porkypines was to me a bit too dirty but in my heart I heard the same voice keep this you will regret if you change the words and argue about the title and chorus with Javier. So I listened. This is why in these times even if one thinks one is doing a good thing one must ask carefully and sometime leave the ego always out and trust, have faith. Now I am understand the title says it all. Is about transhumanism and soul enslavement
Where do you hope to be musically in 5 years’ time?
Performing live the songs that I am giving out with healing messages in healing frequency with good-hearted dedicated musicians who use their talents for the good of all and to inspire children to create healing good music for the future. And in a free world, where all people are allowed to join in. I will never segregate an audience and have declined two requests for tours because I find it is a crime against humanity to use certificates at entries. What went on these last two years was not right. It was against the Nürnberg Kodex of human rights. People have been lied, used, abused and many children have suffered immense trauma. My parents QR Code did not work at all only in a few restaurants. This can happen at any time if we hand over control to a system that is totally controlled by AI. Many people suffer from this poisoned shots and that is why we are making healing frequency in music in order to help recharge, regenerate the DNA of all humankind for those who seek and wish for a cure and remedy. I have spoken to a coroner, a medical examiner. This lady confirmed me last week, that healing frequency can repair broken DNA. I have found out that a post of mine that I shared to explain about the healing benefits of frequencies has been censored on Facebook and that about 6 songs are inaccessible for me to use for stories and reels in the remastered healing frequency of ForFreeToo. A wonderful multi-instrumentalist, Hanspeter Kruesi www.farbmusik.com, who has been very successful with his releases of meditative music in 432 hz has informed me that music platforms did not accept his compositions for upload if they was titled with 432 hz in brackets in 2020. Beforehand was possible do so for him for many years. Why would they not accept this on music platforms in 2020? What was going on in 2020? Ah, yes, let’s just pause everyone and think about this for a second. He debated with them for a month but was not successful. How on earth are humans going to be able to find this frequency of healing music online if it is not described and titled properly??? I find this very disturbing as once again vital good healing music is being withheld not only from main stream media for the last two/three years but also now in simple yet important stories and reels???!! This is illegal and goes against humankind. What we need now is to clean up all the wrong doings from the past and create a better, healthier more loving world for all of us especially for the future generation, for the children and the teenagers and for nature. These little human beings called children, innocent and pure, they know we lied to them and that wearing masks was wrong by the way sticking sticks up into their 3rd eye pineal glad was wrong too. Forbidding them to sing in school choirs at festivities was wrong too it broke their hearts and left them crying. They will not forgive us if we keep ignoring the past wrong doings. It will fall back on us. This is why we have to bring back the Christian values of empathy, compassion, loving each other, taking care of one another, being loyal towards our spouses, in order to protect the family values, honoring the 10 messages of love commandments and being fearless speaking out for ourselves not to hurt but in order to create healthy discussions that lead to healthy soulutions. And yes, casting out anything that tries to traumatize children. Because once their lights are cut of due to trauma, then bad energies enter their souls and that is what we have for thousands of years. This here is not a good world by now. But it can be with a little bit of goodness. So let’s start with the most easiest simplest thing by listening and making music good and healthy again. If this world was good in music then Amy Winehouse and many others would still be alive. But the music industry has become a Mafia laundering system that misuses stars in order to lead humankind astray. It is important that we treat music well also for the health of our nature. ForFreeToo helps us all to shift out of the matrix so we can feel human again. That is a natural state to start to feel free too again.
Thank you for doing this interview, do you have any last messages for our readers?
Thank you Duzzy for your time and for all the work you are doing in aiding independent courageous musicians to bring forward their music and messages in songs and in helping that humankind receive music accessible to us all. My message of love to us all is: Luke 11, 1-29 and book of John, Revelation 13. Go take a look at the QR code and why is it square with 3 squares in 3 corners? Transhumanism is the antichrist. If you want to land there then noone is going to stop you. But if you wish to love your soul and keep your light shining for the world to enjoy and share and to create goodness together then get ready, prepare, read the Bible is like a cooking recipe for life, talk to Yeshua, Immanuel, Jesus Christ for everyone on his side will help you move toward eternal life. I am doing what I can by bringing us all his music to you too. As you can tell by now, I am not made to be a preacher is kinda never ending haha but I am a really good singing secretary. I mean if they are withholding to us the truth about healing frequencies then maybe they are withholding the truth about Jesus Christ too. Ask him to show himself to you then you know the truth. But beforehand do refrain from debating with me because you can’t talk to me about surfing on the eternal wave if you have never even tried it out:) Lots of love

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