Fourth Son South- The Moon
Reviewed by Duzzy Clayton

“The band is finally at a point on how I envisioned it”, those are the words of Peter Toussaint co-vocalist and founder of the band Fourth Son South after I interviewed him for my Podcast, this statement was said after I mentioned it must be so cool to have a band that has 4 vocalists in the band whether they take lead or harmonize well together, each band member can bring their A-game when asked upon. Peter Laughed and really seemed happy with his band now, and why shouldn’t he be, after the success of the band’s last single namely ‘The Cold’, the band is set to release in my opinion another great hit. The Moon which is the new single by Fourth Son South will be released on 5th May, this will also be the 2nd official track, the newest member of the band Sarah Jade appears on and I think it is safe to say Sarah is now part of the band and apart of the furniture so to speak and when I think of this band I can’t think of them any other way now without Sarah. Sarah has really become almost like a secret weapon and a huge asset to the band and kind of takes the band in a new positive direction with her angelic female vocals.
The Moon starts with Sarah Jade’s beautiful voice and then the vocals kind of morph into some great harmonizing skills from the rest of the band, and that is what I mentioned earlier and I can see why Peter is so happy with the band at the moment because as a songwriter and having four other vocalists harmonizing together just sets the tone in a great way for the song and really accompanies Sarah well with her vocals starting the song.
The song then goes into a cool riff making way for the verse which is sung amazingly by two co-lead vocalists of the band Peter Toussaint and Sarah Jade with the rest of the band harmonizing every now and again. One thing which is strong in this new song I know keep saying it but I do want to emphasize the harmonies throughout the song and it makes me so happy how full the band and song are sounding.

When asked what the song is about, the band has this to say about The Moon: “The Moon has been said to influence all aspects of our lives. It would have an effect on our behavior, our love life, predict the future and so much more. But everyone is still responsible for their own actions.”. One thing I want to make mention about this track is the lyrics, the lyrics are really beautifully written and the band gives their opinion of the subject matter but also kind of eaves up to the listener to interpret just how much the moon has a say in our every day life or how much of it is actually left to ourselves to determine.
All the music and instruments played in the song are also all well played, with some cool guitar riffs and even a very cool played guitar solo which I was kind of expecting but still took me by surprise and just made me smile when it starts
When asked what the recording process was like. The band has this to say: “ Peter wrote the song and recorded all instruments as a demo. The band members consequently came in to record their parts. Carel’s were recorded at the Jarr Bar in Pretoria by Stevie Bester and all tracks were sent off to Pieter Nel for mixing and mastering.”
I can picture myself listening to the track when I just need a cool rock n roll tracks to listen to with some great vocals, song arrangements, and lyrics
I would like to congratulate the band on another successful track and I look forward to seeing this track dominate radio stations all around the world
To Read An Interview With The Band ClickHERE
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As the sun goes down
And the dark comes in
I can feel it creeping
Under my skin
So I close my eyes
Listen to my heart
Senses overload
I feel I fall apart
The mirror of the night
My divining truth
The possibility
For eternal youth
So we keep our faith
As we’re coming near
Naked consciousness
We shed our inner fear
And the moon is just a ball in the sky
She doesn’t care at all
She will leave without saying goodbye
She knows that it is not her call
And they’ll never have a second chance
Maybe in another lifetime