Livvy Clarke- Love Letter
reviewed by Duzzy Clayton

Livvy Clarke is an awesome beautiful soul that I have become a really big fan of since I got to interview her for her previous single ‘The Way You Are’. Read HERE Since then I have been fascinated by the life she has lived, to say she has had a hard life is an understatement, as her previous tracks talk about, she has been through the most terrible domestic abuse you can imagine, and having spoken to her there are loads of other things she has been through, it’s pretty amazing this awesome woman is still standing and come out better even though going through all that as her latest single talks about.
‘Love Letter’ the amazing new single from Livvy Clarke is nothing short of Amazing and inspiring, Livvy could be bitter for so many reasons, she could look back at her life and be a victim and I would understand because no one should go through that sort of thing, but her latest single is about coming out of the abuse, the heartbreak and saying ‘I’m still here’, this is her Love Letter’ to herself. To appreciate the person she has become and even maybe be an inspiration to other people who have gone through similar things.

So having said that I would like to review the song now and give my thoughts on it all, the lyrics of the song, like anything other songs I have heard of Livvy’s are amazing and always paint a beautiful picture and story, which is very important because a listener you are taken through a journey of a story and can feel the emotion and feelings Livvy is experiencing through her songwriting.
The music to the song is also so beautifully arranged and helps paint the emotion throughout the song, along with the awesome recording of the song, I would like to send an extended compliment to everyone who has worked on the track, as the track is of top-notch and brilliantly produced and mixed.
Livvy has proven to be an amazing inspiring songwriter and singer and this track is great evidence of her unique talent to paint a beautiful picture with words and music for the listener.
I would recommend if you have been through abuse or a terrible life, then please listen to this song as it will not only empower and inspire you, but it will give you hope that life does get better, there is a beautiful life waiting for you if you are brave and strong or even if you feel like you just can’t go on, it does get better and you do matter.
Well done Livvy Clarke, you are amazing and inspiring and the world is a better place because of you.

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Love Letter
Life has taught me to live from the ground up,
Make the best of myself, the most of my time,
Pushed me to the point where I’d fight to breathe
So I let go
And I danced in the sand,
Turned my face to the sun
And I loved a little bit more
Laughed and cried a little bit more
I’m still here, after everything
I’m still here, still standing
Thankful to be alive
And for all that I have
This is my love letter
Life is cruel and kind at the same time,
Makes and breaks me as I fight for now,
Don’t know what I’ll get one day to the next
So I let go
And I love a little bit more
Laugh and cry a little bit more
I’m still here, after everything
I’m still here, still standing
Thankful to be alive
And for all that I have
This is my love letter
When there’s only now
I’ll just make it up as I go along
It’s been one helluva ride
And one spin is enough
I’ve had the time of my life
I’m still here, after everything
I’m still here
I’m still here, after everything
I’m still here
I’m still here
I’m still here
I’m still here