Billy O, Talks to Fanbase Music Magazine About His New Single, Rain On Me, Working With P.D Wohl & More
Interviewed by Duzzy Clayton
I first came across Billy O, when he was part of a band called The Ormidales which was introduced to me by my good friend Catherine J Campbell from CJC Promotions since then I have also always been a big fan so when I heard Billy O is starting a new project I knew it was going to be awesome, since then we featured Billy O when he released his first single The Hit Parade a few months ago.
Fast forward a few months and Billy O has released his 2nd single, and I must say I think it is some of his best work yet. Rain on Me, the new single from Billy O, features the awesome P.D Wohl on the track and together they have released a very cool masterpiece of a song
I catch up with Bily O, talk about the new track, and more
Enjoy the read
Welcome back to Fanbase Music Magazine, last time we had you on you were releasing From the Hit Parade, the song seemed to do quite well back then, how do you feel that release went and was received among the public?
I was delighted with the response of ” From The Hit Parade” and think it struck a chord so to speak with many people. It was not intended by any means to sound retro but more timeless using a blend of pop/rock. and techno all rolled into one to represent the songs and genres that influenced my musical palette over my lifetime.
For people who don’t know you can you remind us where you are from and what kind of genre you do?
I am from Vancouver and prefer to write in no particular genre as I love an entire spectrum of music. I remember in my early beginnings with The Ormidales, a local writer said “If they knew who they were they would probably do well”. I found that sort of ironic because I knew who we were, a couple of lads who loved all genres and didn’t want to get stuck in a box. Still think that way and always will.
Who are some of the bands and musicians you have been influenced by over the years?
Far too many to list but everything I have listened to since I was a young boy. I loved radio hits that my mom would sing around the house and be hooked to those melodies that filled the kitchen from our AM radio. My brother introduced me to Elvis, Roy Orbison, Burt Bacharach, Gene Pitney, and other artists but when The Beatles hit the radio that was a huge WOW for me. “The British Invasion” got me really wanting to get into music and looking back was probably the greatest era ever. I was a huge fan of the eighties bands, RoxyMusic, Bowie, The Eurythmics, and Simple Minds as well which brought a fresh perspective and sound to me. Of course bands like The Beach Boys, The Byrds, Love, and other West Coast bands all influenced me.
Okay, let’s talk about your 2nd single ‘Rain On Me’ which in my opinion is some of your best work, what is the song about?
I agree with you and think it is one of my favorites as well. When I let a few family members and friends get a preview they all said it was my best yet so it seemed to have an appeal. The song was written about a person (a family member) who found solace in the rain where he found peace and solitude. It was kind of like being cleansed in the rain and finding peace.
P.D. Wohl appears again on the track which seems to be an ongoing partnership musicically you doing, can you explain what P.D. Wohl has brought to the song?
I have been working with PD for many years since he produced the first Ormidales release. He is a very talented musician/producer with a great ear and knowledge of music which we share in common. That made it easier as we could reference this and that to create my new musings. I look forward to the next tune already.

Some people would recognize you from the band The Ormidales, should those fans expect a similar kind of sound to what you are doing under the name Billy O?
With The Ormidales there was always an Oliver side and a Branscombe side that seemed to meld together nicely. Mark brought a roots kind of sound and I was a Pop aficionado that seemed to meld nicely to create The Ormidale sound again which P.D. put his stamp on. I think Billy O’s future songs will be more poppy but again I don’t want to say that is cast in stone either. Look for more melodious tunes regardless.
Where was the track recorded and who else worked on it?
The track was recorded at WOHL OF SOUND in Vancouver. Paul aka PD had his very talented son Ryan add background vocals that brought a freshness and a shot of youth to the track.
Can you explain the process of writing your music from lyrics and music to recording?
If I struggle with a song I don’t work on it. My favorites and what I consider my best songs come very quickly, usually in minutes, and have a strong sketch laid out quickly. I will get a solid demo done at home and when taken as far as needed I flip it over to PD who adds his ideas and production to make it sound lovely.
What do you have coming next, will you ever release a full album?
I always have a next one brewing and have opted to go with single releases over full album releases. I also have plans to release a compilation album next year of all my stuff, Bachelors In Paradise, Silly Sods, my Ormidale contributions, and Billy O material under the working title “Songs From The Kitchen Table’ where most of my songs are born. I will be relocating to live in Croatia in 2025 and hope to hit the streets and busk as the sun sets over the Adriatic Sea.
Thank you for doing this interview, do you have any last messages for our readers?
Stay tuned, just warming up and thank you for lending me your ears.

Check out the Music Video for ‘Rain On Me’ HERE
Stream ‘Rain On Me’ on Spotify HERE