New Album

When the Music Fades


Jordan Khalaf is a singer, songwriter, and musician hailing from Canton, Michigan, and based in New York City, who’s new album, When the Music Fades, drops November 8, 2024. It is the follow up to Jordan’s 2020, very well received, Blank Pages EP.

Jordan says at its core, the central themes of, When the Music Fades, revolve around identity and finding one’s way in the world. “A lot of these songs talk about really diving wholly into something, be it a passion or career or a person, and devoting our entire sense of self into one thing regardless of the impact that has on our sense of self. It definitely leans into the struggles that come with identity as a whole, across the whole spectrum, and what it means to be a person who is discovering who you are in a time where we are given very little time to actually do that.” 

While each song on the new album has its own meaning and are special in their own right; to Jordan, there is one particular song, “The Invisible Man”, that stands out.  Jordan says, “I wrote the song during COVID, a few years back, and it was originally about frontline workers and the people who kinda kept the world running when everything fell apart. It evolved into kind of an ode to the “everyman”: the people who work tirelessly for the simple things in life; love, happiness, the people around them. It’s a song about how the world takes those people for granted, when in reality they’re the groundwork of everything that makes our world go.”  

Jordan’s musical influences include Matchbox Twenty, Goo Goo Dolls, Paramore, Green Day and Alanis Morissette, and the writing style in, When the Music Fades, reflects that, while still maintaining Jordan’s own distinct sound.

Armed with a Notes app full of new song ideas, both finished and incomplete, Jordan is always working on and looking for new projects. Jordan is an alumnus of the University of Michigan, graduating with a B.A in Theatre and a minor in Music with a specialization in Composition.  

When the Music Fades, was produced by Super Producer Chuck Alkazian at Pearl Sound Studios, Canton, MI.


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