Review: Dawn Melanie-There And Then
Reviewed by Duzzy Clayton

This year, the 25th of January 2025, was significant for two reasons, the first reason is that something magical was happening in the solar system and the big wide universe, something that doesn’t happen too often. There are six visible planets (four of which you could see with the naked eye and two with binoculars) all aligned in almost a straight line. The alignment is visible throughout January and early February. Furthermore, in this magical event, it is said that during this time, from an energetic/spiritual perspective, it is believed to be an incredibly strong place to align your future goals and projects with this. If each planet is emitting a frequency (as everything in our universe does), it’s a bit like music. Those frequencies are combining like instruments in a song, and our earth and ourselves are affected by that frequency, by the song that is being emitted by these immense pieces of the universe.
And it is for this very reason talented musician Dawn Melane chose the 25th January date to release her latest album, namely, There And Then.
In my own opinion, I think Dawn is so talented and such a great musician and has such a great piece of art of an album that I don’t think she needed the extra help from the planets to ensure this album is a success, but it is a cool story on why she chose that date, and let’s face it, it doesn’t hurt calling on the solar system and its resources to give that bit of extra magic.
I use the word Magic, which is quite fitting because that is exactly what Dawn’s latest album is, MAGICAL, I have been listening to the album on repeat since its release day and everytime I listen to it, I am taken on a magical journey from start to finish, this album makes me we want to go on an adventure of which Dawn often talks about in her songs to a far away place of make believe, the kind of make believe we used to imagine as kids, I think as we grow up, we lose that bit of imagination and this album kind of reminds us to never lose that feeling, I feel when adult life gets tough and you need to get away a bit, I suggest you put on this album and remind yourself to breath and go to that happy place we make believed as kids, that is just my take on the album but it is an opinion that gives me great comfort in a fast pace scary, busy world we live in.

I have known Dawn Melanie for quite some time, ever since I was sent her EP called ‘Be The Light’ and I was able to interview her back then and do a review on that EP, however since those days, Dawn has been very busy in terms of music, releasing an album called Hear And Now, a single called Late Nights and then of course working hard on her latest album There and Then.
When Dawn released her album Hear and Now, she jokingly said her next album should be called There and Then, but what turned out to be a joke ended up being the name of the album, as it is a perfect fit for what she wanted to capture with her Irish/Scotland roots and tribal stories of past times, and so the idea of the album title was born.
There and Then is strongly influenced by Celtic folk music and features tracks that reference mythology, folklore, fantasy, and fairytales from around the world, including Ireland, Scotland, England, Germany, Greenland, and Scandinavia. The album has a very otherworldly, medieval feel while still connecting to our lives today by sharing metaphor and stories that are as relevant to our journey now as they would have been centuries ago.
Although the album pays tribute to these countries around the world, and that inspiration can be heard strongly throughout the album, I do pick up some great proudly South African sounds and inspiration throughout the album, reminding me that the human race is all connected somehow with energies, and music is a universal language that we all can embrace and find a little of self in our own journey that separates cultures but somehow brings us together.
When asked about the album, Dawn says, “This album has been a lifetime in the making; it has some of my oldest and most recent tracks on it, truly showcasing a range of songs from my journey as a musician and as a human being. These tracks are deeply connected to who I am, to my roots as well as my dreams. They feature musical contributions from some of my favorite musicians, who I’m blessed to call friends, and I’m so proud to share it with the world. I hope that it finds its people. “
There and Then is a 10-track album filled with great vocals, beautiful guitars, and mandolin sounds (played by Skippy Kubheka), clever songwriting, and just pure magic from start to finish. Before I get into each song, I would like to give a special shout-out to the production and engineering team on the album, Nat and Ben Bruzas from Storyline Recording And Production, who happen to be brothers, and they also do production and engineering work and are responsible for the great quality of recording and production on the album. Not only that, but they are also part of a band called The Name On The Drum and often can be seen playing live with Dawn Melanie and are also responsible for playing on most of the songs on the album, and it is this connection and friendship Dawn has with these great people that comes out strongly on the album and is quite evident throughout.
A nice add and treat to the album is the awesome Djembe sounds played by the awesome talented Dustyn Froise that really gave it that ethnic feel and compliments the songs nicely.

Although this album can be enjoyed however you choose to listen to music, whether you are in the shower, cooking dinner, or driving in your car, I do urge you to listen to the album with a good pair of earphones or in stereo surround sound because this is when you really take in just what a great job Nat and Ben did with the production, and the album really comes to life because this is when you pick up on the little subtle sounds in the background, some ambient, some creepy, some extra voices singing along, and some just adding a bit extra to the album, and it really takes you on a new journey with the album.
I have found myself mezmerized with this album and the talent that is Dawn Melanie, her beautiful out take on life and also her respect for her roots of her past ancesters, and also her braveness to go against the grain on what we are forced fed on radio these days is inspirational, the world needs more artists like Dawn Melanie, and my hope for her and this album is that it reaches far and wide around the globe and more people are inspired to capture their youth, embrace where their ancesters came from and all believe in magic, because we are all one in this world but with a bit of love and believe in the energies that surround us, we can all take part on the cosmic wonders that is in with in us all
I would like to congratulate Dawn Melanie and all who worked on the album for a really great piece of art, and I thank you for your beautiful talent and sharing it with the world.
Stream The Album On All Online Platforms HERE
Support Dawn Melanie On Band Camp HERE

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